Our favorite camping and boondocking essentials for StressLess Camping
What kind of things do you absolutely need when outfitting an RV? On this week’s RV and travel podcast we look in our own baggage compartment to see what we find essential for StressLess Camping. These are the things that we use every time we head out.
But we also have things we love when we go boondocking and camping off the grid. This collection of gadgets, gizmos and RV essentials are great tools as part of your go-to collection.
We also take a look at a new trailer from Grand Design that might be one of the best small trailers we’ve ever seen. This class busting model is a great small trailer.
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Mentioned on this episode
The boondocking gadgets we mentioned

The RV basics we talked about

Our friends at ABC Upfitters are having a huge sale through the end of the year. If you book your solar and lithium installation through December 31 you will receive up to a 25% savings on the total installation.
If you’re confused about solar, battery power or just want to upgrade your RV we have found the solutions from ABC Upfitters are both reliable and exceptional.
We have a podcast episode and video where you can learn more here.
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Automated transcript of StressLess Camping RV and travel podcast episode 231
Mark Ferrell
Welcome to the weekly podcast, all about turning the great American RV adventure into Stressless camping. Each week we explore tips, tricks, ideas, and destinations, and talk to the happiest campers in the RV world. Pull up a seat at the campfire as we enjoy some Stressless camping.
Peggy Barthel
Welcome to the Campfire.
Tony Barthel
I'm Tony. I'm Peggy. And we are two RV industry veterans who travel part-time
Peggy Barthel
In a small trailer
Tony Barthel
Looking to share big adventures and help you with great tips,
Peggy Barthel
Tony Barthel
And discounts.
Peggy Barthel
We are gearing up for our next big
Speaker 5
Trip, <laugh> <laugh>.
Tony Barthel
Well, isn't that the truth? There's a stack of boxes full of all kinds of new RV gear that we're testing or that we're about to test.
Peggy Barthel
Well, and even some, a pile of things of things we've already tested and know we need that we don't store in the camper until we're ready to go. Yeah. Case there's some gear that we're waiting on.
Tony Barthel
Well, I've been talking about sort of the day trip and camper idea that I have and there is a component of that that I'm waiting for it actually to go into production. Right? <laugh> so we can get one, I hope.
Peggy Barthel
But in the meantime we'll just pack smartly so that if there is anything back there and it just get, we get a little rain shower, it'll be okay If we're gonna get a lot of rain, we're just gonna have to come up with a plan, like buy a tarp or something. <laugh>,
Tony Barthel
We're the blue tarp pickup truck Uhhuh. Can you hear the Beverly Hillbilly song <laugh> coming into your speakers?
Peggy Barthel
One thing that actually never leaves the camper, of course, is our power package. Our solar system from a BC Upfitters
Tony Barthel
I saw last week on their social medias. The way they do things for the factory is they will take all those first rate master vault components and build what they call a sled. So then the factory basically takes those and it's an easy install for them. And one of the neat things, I mean, it just shows you that A B, C Outfitters and Master Volt, which are the systems that they use are so good. Even RV companies are switching to the systems they designed.
Tony Barthel
Right? Which is how we got ours. Ours was pre-installed by Rockwood. It's just been flawless. But we also know quite a few people who have had a, B, C upfitters engineer a system for their rv. And it's been flawless. And that's a big difference, right? There are a lot of people who will say, they put in a solar system for you.
Tony Barthel
Mm-Hmm. And that's, you know, one thing, but a b, C app Outfitters actually has technical people who know what they're doing, right? Who put in systems in your RV that just work. And part of the reason for that is it's all master vault components, which are proven on the waters. The other thing is just the right wiring, the right installation, the right placement, all that stuff definitely matters. And so that's why we have been such advocates of A BC Upfitters for some time now.
Tony Barthel
And you can find out more about your own solar install, either by visiting a link from our website, which is of course in the show notes for this podcast episode. Or just give 'em a phone call on the good old fashioned phone. And you do that at 5 7 4 2 9 3 9 3 9 9 5 7 4 2 9 3 9 3 9 9. And they are really neat people who have been able to translate from nerd to normal <laugh> and, and it's a good thing.
Tony Barthel
So if you're looking just to get questions answered or just see what's possible, give them a call and they will be happy to answer your questions politely and in English and all of that. It's kind of a good deal. Yes.
Peggy Barthel
So as we said, we're piling things up, <laugh> kind of making stacks here and there. And what we realized is we have a lot of favorite gear. And like your children, we don't have one single favorite <laugh>.
Tony Barthel
Oh, you do. You're just not allowed to say <laugh>.
Peggy Barthel
And so what we thought we would do is, you know, because we're getting ready for a big trip, but also because it's getting close to holiday shopping time. So if you're looking for ideas, maybe this will help you.
Tony Barthel
You know, we're really good at spending your money <laugh>. Well, unfortunately, we're really good at spending our time.
Peggy Barthel
Yeah, we are. So
Tony Barthel
Anyway, we've kind put these into collections of gadgets that we have really liked and continue to use. So without any further, I do or I don't. <laugh> <laugh>. Our first collection are boondocking gadgets.
Peggy Barthel
Yeah. As you know, we like to boondock. That's why we have the A b, C Upfitters system so that we don't have to worry about finding places to plug in. But also, you know, sometimes we're far away from any kind of stuff. So we need to have a little bit of extra gear. And one of those that has come in super handy for us is the Wolverine water bags.
Tony Barthel
If you're boondocking, one of the things that can kind of extend your stay or limit it is water. Because with these advanced power systems that RVs have now and are getting, power is much less of a problem. And now water is the
Peggy Barthel
Big issue. Water is our limiter for sure. Water and wastewater. But then, you know, sometimes the water that we can find to haul with our Wolverine bags, I don't know if I wanna drink it. <laugh>, well
Tony Barthel
Wait before you go there, okay. Because it's wintery. Something we've been seeing a lot is how can I use my rv even though it's winterized and these wolverine bags might be one way to do so, right? You could use the bags to bring in water and then like wash dishes or drink or things like that with like a little busing tub or something in the sink or a bucket, right? So these wolverine bags allow you to go get water when you're boondocking or whatnot.
Tony Barthel
Or actually use as kind of a replacement water system if you're winterized.
Peggy Barthel
That's a very good point. That was actually gonna be my maintenance tip. Oops. At the end of the show. So now we don't have to do that part <laugh>, we already,
Tony Barthel
I don't do any stinking maintenance.
Peggy Barthel
I mean it's not really maintenance, but it's, you know, as Tony said, a way to go camping, even if you're winterized and you, you're not really able to use the water system
Tony Barthel
Well and, and another thing that's our second item is our Dometic Go Hydration water system. Basically what this is is a three gallon container and then there's a pump system that fits to it. Mm-Hmm. <affirmative>. So it's three gallons of water or whatever you wanna put in
Peggy Barthel
It or whatever you wanna put in it. <laugh>,
Tony Barthel
<laugh>. And then there's a battery powered pump that fits to this. So now you have a cold water spigot and we have used this in the truck when traveling. We put the jug in the back. Mm-Hmm. <affirmative> and the little spigot kind of where we can get to it in the front. But it's also a good replacement water system if you are camping again, either off the grid. Yep. Or you have filtered water you want to use or whatever it happens to be. So it's a portable water solution.
Tony Barthel
And if you have one of those jerrycan holders, two of the jugs will fit in one of those. So I guess it's probably two and a half gallons, right? Not three. Oh
Peggy Barthel
Tony Barthel
Ah, who knows. I don't know what I'm talking about. <laugh>. There's
Peggy Barthel
Some, some water fits in there. Yeah.
Tony Barthel
All the water that fits in fits in <laugh>. So anyway, it's a neat way to, to carry water. And again, part of what we're working on also is a sort of day trip in camper and we'll definitely be using this Dometic Go Hydration system as well. Oh and uh, by the way, there will be show notes for this episode on our website, stressless camping.com/podcast/ 2 3 1. This is episode 2 31. And it will have links to where we've written about these various gadgets that we're babbling on about at the
Peggy Barthel
Moment. Right. So if you happen to be listening while you're driving, don't worry about taking notes. We are. We are taking them for you. And once you get stopped you can go to the website and look at all the notes. By
Tony Barthel
The way, we also put transcripts of these episodes as well. So uh, if you'd rather hear 'em in a computer voice. And the cool thing is they're created by AI so there's lots of goofs in them. Oh yeah. So there you go. Well, probably not actually. It's a little bit scary actually
Peggy Barthel
With AI there's probably less goofs than in real life <laugh>.
Tony Barthel
Yeah. Sadly. You're probably right.
Peggy Barthel
So another thing that we keep in the backseat of the truck a lot of the times is a 12 volt cooler. And the one we have found that we really, really like is the bodega cooler. It's a great size. We've had some that were gigantic. We've had some that didn't have the two separate compartments. So the bodega is nice because it has two decent sized compartments and you can actually control the temperature of each compartment. So if you want two freezers or two refrigerators or one big freezer, big small fridge, backwards, forwards, whichever way you want it, they each have their own separate control.
Peggy Barthel
So that's really nice for traveling. You know, we keep our lunches and stuff and snacks and water in the cooler while we're traveling and we don't have as many outlets in this truck as we used to have. So we actually power our bodega cooler with a reen portable power station. Yes. We're gonna normalize saying portable power station instead of the term that you've heard a lot, quote unquote solar generator.
Peggy Barthel
Oh yeah. 'cause it's, it doesn't generate and it's not solar. You can charge them with solar panels, but portable power station is way more accurate. And that's what we are gonna be on a quest to get everyone to use
Tony Barthel
<laugh>. Yeah. So the way we do it is we put the U green into the cigarette lighter or power port on the truck and that gives us all the outlets that are on the ure. So it's got uh, one 10 outlets. It's got U-S-B-C-U-S-B-A, another power port. And so we charge it when we're driving around and then we plug the cooler into it and then when we shut off the engine of the truck, the URE keeps the cooler humming along. That's how we do that. Yep. And we do also have a larger Dometic cooler.
Tony Barthel
So if you really want a giant cooler or a refrigerator replacement that Dometic 12 volt cooler is, I mean that thing is outstanding but it is quite literally as big as a refrigerator.
Peggy Barthel
It's Yeah, it is. I don't know if we could even get it in the backseat <laugh>. Oh
Tony Barthel
We could.
Peggy Barthel
Well in this backseat especially, but yeah, we
Tony Barthel
Could do
Peggy Barthel
It, but it's so huge. It's almost too heavy to even lift empty and then you'd have to fill it separately.
Tony Barthel
<laugh>. Yeah. It's basically a refrigerator replacement. Yeah. So another thing, uh, if weve got cool, we need hot. And I know a lot of, you know, we have people who listen who ham all sorts of ways. Sure. There are people with vintage RVs. Modern RVs, yeah. Tents, pickup campers.
Peggy Barthel
Some people just camp in the back of their car, their vehicle.
Tony Barthel
Right. And so if you want, I know a lot of the times I see people advocate those one burner propane cooktops. Sure. But if you've already got a portable power station, look at an induction cooktop for a variety of reasons. One of those is you don't have a propane fire. Well yeah. So you have just a heat source. You do need pans that are magnetic to make this work. Right. Uh, we've got ideas for pans too, but the induction cooktop is neat because you could power it off your portable power station.
Tony Barthel
They're very efficient. Uh, really heats up if you are like boiling water. It's quick and precise.
Peggy Barthel
And you know something that just occurred to me when you said the gas fire, I know you're talking about carrying propane and stuff, but also isn't it annoying when it's windy and you're trying to keep your gas fire going on your griddle or whatever? Oh,
Tony Barthel
I never thought of that.
Peggy Barthel
Yeah. And remember like it took you like two hours to fry a pound of bacon because the wind was blowing the heat away from the griddle.
Tony Barthel
<laugh>. Yeah. So this induction cooktop it, they're portable, I mean they make all sorts, but you could use it inside as an additional burner or you could take it outside and put it on a picnic table and use your portable power station and power the induction cooktop. So, or,
Peggy Barthel
Or plug it into the, you know, outlet on the side of the camper if you have the camper. Yeah. But you still want to cook outside.
Tony Barthel
Yeah. That or if you're tailgating. So I really like these, I like 'em a lot better than those little one burner propane stoves. And you're also not throwing away those little green containers and that. Yeah. I don't know. The fact that those don't get recycled bugs, the daylights outta me. Right. So anyway, if you've already got the portable power station, this is a, a great thing to use with it.
Peggy Barthel
So there are some things that we always keep in the camper or sometimes we like 'em so much we bring 'em in the house and make sure we put 'em back in the camper. Thus the piles of gear all over the house. <laugh>, <laugh>. But one thing that stays in the camper all the time is our air gear tire changing kit.
Tony Barthel
You know, it's funny, I always thought if I got a flat that I would just use what's in the truck to change the tire <laugh>. And since I got my air gear tire changing kit, I realize that no, actually some of the things for the truck don't work with the trailer. Plus the air gear tire changing kit comes with a torque wrench and you absolutely want to torque the nuts down on the, the lug nuts on your trailer tire properly.
Tony Barthel
Yes. And this has a torque wrench and yes, it makes a big difference. So it's a neat kit that now is always with us
Peggy Barthel
And it's nice to, you have the torque so you know you can use that on anything that needs to be torqued <laugh>. Yeah. You, it's not only for tires, but as Tony said, some things are specific to trailers and if you don't have trailer gear, you don't have trailer gear.
Tony Barthel
Right. We are installing a new hitch and that'll be a forthcoming Oh yeah. Episode or whatever. But they were very specific about the torque settings of the bolts on that hitch. And again, I just took out my air gear tire changing kit. Right. And uh, used that to adjust the bolts properly on the hitch. So a lot of reasons to have a torque wrench with you.
Peggy Barthel
Let's say you get to camp and you're getting ready to set up, let's talk about some of the gear that we find to be essential or just awesome. <laugh>, I'll tell you, when somebody says I just got my rig, what do I need? And people are spouting off about ice makers and you know, Betty bedding and all, you know, all kinds of stuff. Here's the things that I answer. You need two things to make sure that you and your rig are safe. And one of them is a surge protector.
Tony Barthel
And you might say, well wait, I, I've been camping for years without one. Why do I want one? Well you've gotta think of all the electronic stuff that's in a modern rv. Every little appliance has a control board and if there is a circumstance where those control boards get fried, sometimes there is a very long wait to get a replacement. Like I'm talking a year. I'm not kidding. So having a good search suppressor really makes a difference.
Tony Barthel
Plus if you're a nerd like me, you can also monitor how much power certain components are consuming. I mean I I like that too. So we like to hues power watchdog, it bluetooths to your smartphone, it protects your rv. And the other good thing is with the hues watchdogs, the surge module is actually field replaceable. So if there is a circumstance where it fries that surge module, you could replace it in the field
Peggy Barthel
And not have to replace the entire system. Right?
Tony Barthel
That's correct. That's the fact Jack.
Peggy Barthel
Fact Jack. And the other thing that I always recommend, a second thing that I think is absolutely essential is a water pressure regulator. Now these basically have two different styles. One is just a small, very simple looking thing and the other one has a gauge. And I really like the one with the gauge because you can adjust it and because you know what the pressure is. I don't know if I put that simple little pressure regulator on, I don't know what the pressure is, I don't
Tony Barthel
<laugh> well and those also reduce flow. Yeah. So you know, if you get one of those cheap water pressure regulators and you're like, well the shower really stinks in my rv, that's 'cause 'cause you're not getting enough water. Yeah. So a good water pressure regulator will also allow you to maintain flow. And the thing is you might say, oh well I've got PEX Plumbing in my RV and it's good for A-D-P-S-I, whatever the number drew. But the fittings that the RV industry uses are junk.
Tony Barthel
I mean there's no other way to say it.
Peggy Barthel
Yeah. So wherever your PEX is connected to other pecs, that's where the problem is. Yeah. Not in the PEX itself.
Tony Barthel
The connectors. Right. So we always set ours to 40 PSI
Peggy Barthel
And of course speaking of water, you want a good hose. And we've been through a lot of the hoses. Actually we have this, the, the funny thing is the first, you know, camper that we bought and the dealer threw in a white hose, it actually lasted for quite some time. It was fine. We decided to upgrade it and we got something that lasted about three days.
Tony Barthel
Yeah. It was one of those hoses that collapses.
Peggy Barthel
Yeah. And we were not pleased with that. But the one that we are like, I think is gonna be our lifetime water hose,
Tony Barthel
Peggy Barthel
<laugh>, we actually got from air gear. It is coiled. So like if you're old enough to remember like the old telephone <laugh> that you stretched across the room and into your bedroom so people could trip on it, it's coiled like that. Yeah. What a great Annapolis. I guess it's just a coil. <laugh> <laugh>. But it's coiled. So a 25 foot hose fits in a really nicely small size. And we have two of them in a bag that we also got from air gear.
Peggy Barthel
And those are like practically indestructible. They're freeze resistant. They have really good metal attachments on the end so they can get run over. We try not to to let that happen. Don't. But it could. But it could happen and it would survive. And we have just those things. They stretch out to the full 25 feet and I think, oh this is not gonna coil back and boom, it just coils right back into place. They
Tony Barthel
Are never fiddly whether they're hot or cold, they always just, like Peggy said, it's like an old telephone cord or maybe a slinky and, and it just boils back and, and goes right in that bag. It's something we really, really like. And again, you know, a lot of times stuff that we recommend is not the cheapest stuff but it's the Stressless stuff. Right. Stress less is a new stress less. That is a difficult word to say.
Peggy Barthel
Tony Barthel
And we just got a new version of the next thing on our list.
Peggy Barthel
Tony Barthel
The clear two oh water filtration system. And here's a tip for,
Peggy Barthel
Here's a little tip,
Tony Barthel
If you're putting your camper away and it gets to below freezing, take your clear two oh water filtration system somewhere where it doesn't freeze because,
Peggy Barthel
Or any filtration system, anything. We didn't think about it. We winterized, we got all the water out of our RVs systems and then we went to camp again and the <laugh>, the Clear two oh exploded. Yeah because it had, I put water on it, frozen water got in it. I mean it had water in it, which we tried to drain but I don't think we ever fully drain it all the way. And so it froze. And so the good news is we have a brand new one. <laugh>.
Tony Barthel
Yeah. Anyway, Peggy being kind of a water snob, she actually tested a number of filters blindfolded. It's an interesting video we'll put a link to. But she tested and this clear two oh just came out on top.
Peggy Barthel
Now I'm gonna just jump in again and say some of these products are, we are affiliates of them and we have discounts and things for you on our website. So just a little reminder, check out the deals and discounts page. Some of the items are actually on our Amazon wishlist. Yeah. And so if you, if it's not something there's a discount for but you wanna get it, it really helps us. If you could go to our website and click onto Amazon from there, it doesn't change what you are going to pay or what your experience is.
Peggy Barthel
But because Amazon appreciates that we're sending you there, they pay us a little tiny bit. A teeny tiny bit. That's, I mean we're not earning a living but every little bit counts, right? Yeah.
Tony Barthel
I mean it's sort of like, uh, last week when we were in Colorado at Peggy's family's for Thanksgiving one Snowflake is pretty nice looking <laugh>. But when they gang up on you and make the roads all slippery. That's right. <laugh>. Well that's like those Amazon purchases. You know, one isn't the biggest deal in the planet, but when all of you gang up and buy stuff on Amazon, yeah. It helps support the podcast. And we, we appreciate that. So beyond Water, one of the questions I see quite frequently is how do I know how much propane I have?
Tony Barthel
We bought at an RV show, the Lippert Propane Tank monitors. There's a couple of companies that make these. What we like about the Lippert ones, they're like a coaster that pops onto the bottom of your propane tank in your rv. And we of course have two 'cause we have two propane tanks. Right. And it's just a little magnet that holds it on. And you can use your Lippert one control app that we also use to run the slides and lights and all kinds of other stuff in our rv. So we can also see how much propane we have in increments of 1%.
Tony Barthel
And these just really help us to know how much propane there is. So we don't run out on a cold night. 'cause in the middle of the night when it's cold is when you're gonna run out of doggone propane and propane accessories <laugh>.
Peggy Barthel
So it would be nice to know ahead of time. Now a little tip is if you have two propane tanks, use one at a time. Yeah. So that you, when you know one is getting low, you can turn on the second one and make it through that night. But also if you are using both of them and then all of a sudden they're both empty, well now you don't have any propane. And if you can't get to fill up, then you're just without. So yeah,
Tony Barthel
You're gonna be sad camper. Yeah.
Peggy Barthel
So our tip is to use one and when that one's empty, switch to the other one. And while you're using the second one, you go get the first one filled. Yep.
Tony Barthel
So here's something that's super inexpensive that we really like. It's the RV scissor nut lock. And what this thing does is it's just a little metal bracket almost that fits over the drive nuts on your RV stabilizer jacks. If you have manual stabilizer jacks and you know how when you're camping for a few days, it always seems like those jacks kind of back off and your trailer gets wigg or and wigg or and Wigg or <laugh>. Boy that's hard to say also.
Tony Barthel
Well anyway, these things keep the nut from backing off so your trailer doesn't get wigglier. It's just a simple, they're really inexpensive bracket. You get four in a package and it just slips onto the nut once you've set up the stabilizers on your trailer and bing bang, boom. A simple, inexpensive thing that makes a difference.
Peggy Barthel
Another relatively simple and inexpensive thing is the dump buddy. And that is, comes in really handy when you are dumping your, your black and gray tanks. Yeah.
Tony Barthel
It's just a little sort of bracket thing. What it does is it clamps around the sewer line coming up out of the ground and then clamps on top of your sewer pose. You know the elbow that you have at the end and just keeps it from Mount Vesuvius. Mount Vesuvius. You as someone to be on YouTube.
Peggy Barthel
You really want to be a tongue twister today, don't you, <laugh>?
Tony Barthel
I do. I don't know what it is, <laugh>. But yeah, it basically keeps that hose from popping off the sewer and creating something you really don't want. And it's a simple, inexpensive thing. Doesn't work on all dump stations 'cause some of 'em are flush with the ground, the right sewer. But where this pipe comes up out of the ground a wee bit, this thing is great and I, I really like it. And it's one of those essentials that's in my toolbox.
Peggy Barthel
So it has like a ratcheting side on the sewer side that tightens up against the pipe. And then it has, you know, the part that hooks onto the bow and it's kind of weird. It like reminds me of like a minor's headlamp. Yeah. It the shape, shape of it. <laugh>, I
Tony Barthel
I don't think there is a more accurate description than that. You're right, it totally looks like that. But it's for the sewer attachment instead. So it's sort of a sewer mine.
Peggy Barthel
And speaking of sewer hoses.
Tony Barthel
Peggy Barthel
Get a good one. Yeah.
Tony Barthel
<laugh>. Yeah. When we bought this RV and the one before and the one before, we always got the free sewer hose, which broke in very short order. And I think the, the sewer hose most people get is the rhino sewer hose. But uh, step aside sun, because I got a recommendation for you <laugh> that for Titan sewer hose, I like it so much better than the rhino hose for a variety of reasons. The connections seem to fit better.
Tony Barthel
There's a collar on the end that you use to attach to your RV that really makes it very easy to grip. So really easy to get on and to take off. And just the material is more spongy or flexible, whatever it is. So it just seems a better quality, you know, stuff just feels better. This just feels better. And so I really like this that for Titan sewer hose quite a bit and as usual, you know, they come in all the different lengths and such.
Peggy Barthel
And just another little side note is a really helpful, useful little tool is a clear elbow that you put between the hose and the sewer. And that way you can tell when the stuff is <laugh>, when you're, when your tank is fully rinsed <laugh>. Right
Tony Barthel
Now, if you know, if you, if you already have a sewer hose you like, I recommend getting one of these clear elbows. If you get the that for Titan, it comes with a translucent elbow and that's fine. And that's also what the dump buddy attaches to. There you go. It's all these fun things to eliminate <laugh>, yesterday's yes to surprise dinner <laugh>.
Peggy Barthel
So those were the essentials. And probably next week, because we've been babbling on <laugh>, we will hold off on some other things that are more just like our fun, the things that we really find useful and helpful and fun, but not necessarily essential. So we'll talk about the other things later.
Tony Barthel
All right. So all these items that we've talked about are on our deals and discounts page, but also in the show notes for this podcast episode, episode number number
Peggy Barthel
2 3 1.
Tony Barthel
That's right. And you can find that at stressless camping.com/podcast/oh 2 3 1. So that's for the notes and links and, and all of that. And there are discounts on a lot of these things. So definitely worth checking that out. Or you know, as always our deals and discounts page, stressless camping.com has a lot of our favorite gear.
Peggy Barthel
And Tony, do you have an RV that might make use of all this great gear? Well,
Tony Barthel
I don't know about that <laugh>. Um, I do have an RV that I saw that, oh my gosh, I'm just so impressed with this little thing. And little is the operative word. So a lot of times when you're a couple you buy a camper and I think a lot of people, based on my experience, buy a larger RV than they had originally intended to because of compromises. Right? Like every RV on the planet is a compromise.
Tony Barthel
45 foot toy hauler is a compromise because you want all the space and you have to get this giant thing. Well this is the opposite end of that at 17 feet, 11 inches. It is a grand design imagine aim, which is, uh, their new kind of more affordable, smaller units. It's a single axle travel trailer. And typically really small trailers like this have no counter space and lousy bathrooms or corner beds or there's, there's a compromise where it's like, well I'm only buying this 'cause I want something small and I'll have to deal with whatever the inconveniences.
Tony Barthel
Well this thing is, it's like grand design perform magic on this thing. So across the entire front of the trailer, and it's an eight foot wide but single axle trailer. So across the entire front is the kitchen counter. And that kitchen counter continues around along the camp side where then it goes into a tabletop like bar dinette type of situation. Comes with three little bar stools.
Tony Barthel
So there's a surprising amount of counter space in this thing. It's just really impressive from that standpoint. And then across the entire rear of this little trailer is the bathroom. And it's a really spacious bathroom because it occupies the entire width of the trailer. So now you're saying, okay, you've mentioned the kitchen, which is good. You've mentioned the bathroom, which is good. Where's the bed? Well this has a single slide out.
Tony Barthel
And the way grand design worked this in, they put a Murphy bed in the slide out.
Tony Barthel
So by day there's a couch with a center armrest, but by night the bed drops down and now you have a view of the tv. It's directly opposite the tv if that's important to you. Well it's directly opposite the tv. Even if it's not, you know, you can watch the TV from the bed. It's a bendy bed. So there's the one downside to this, right? I, I just, I don't, there are better ways to do Murphy bed, but oh well it only weighs 3,900 pounds dry.
Tony Barthel
It's eight foot wide. It's really good counter space, really good bathroom. And I would say it's a good camper for two people 'cause that's all, it'll sleep. But a really neat, innovative floor plan from grand design that I think is a probably one of the better small campers that I have laid eyes on. And I've never seen anything quite like this. But boy, I think they hit a home run with this. So grand design, imagine aim 14 ms.
Tony Barthel
And another thing, a lot of counter space as I said, but also cabinets, drawers, cubbies all it, it, it's pretty impressive. Now the one challenge is the thing weighs thirty eight hundred and twenty five pounds. Dry gross weight is only 4,600 pounds. So you better watch what you put in there 'cause you could very easily overload that. And that's, that's the one challenge with smaller single axle trailers. But eh, you know, a nice package overall.
Peggy Barthel
Excellent. Well as I said, Tony already took my reminder that <laugh>, you can camp when you're winterized and we, well, I guess it was he, he talked about it in a really good place because in order to say you can do it, we have to give you tips on how to do it. And that's what he did in the section on water bags and the Dometic go.
Tony Barthel
Yeah. But also we do have an article about how to camp in a winterized trailer. So we'll put a link to that in the show notes. Boy, those show notes are gonna be full, full, full.
Peggy Barthel
Long long. Yeah.
Tony Barthel
But that's okay. That's why they're there.
Peggy Barthel
So you guys were, were super awesome in answering last week's question of the week, which was if you have a camping season and you have to stop camping in the off season, what do you do for fun? <laugh> <laugh>. Great answers. Some people actually go south, which is what we do. Yeah. Go to where it's warmer <laugh>.
Tony Barthel
Yeah. As Jimmy Buffett said, go where the weather suits your clothes.
Peggy Barthel
Yeah, a lot of people plan for next year's travels. Some people take kind of little staycations, not with their camper, but just, you know, taking two or three day trip somewhere. Some people are lucky enough to live where it's not seasonal and they don't have to put it away for winter. Some people snuggle at home with their cat <laugh> and watch movies. Carl's rebuilding his engine this winter. That's a connectivity
Tony Barthel
That <laugh>. Yeah, that sounds good. You know what that reminds me, I'm sorry to interrupt. <laugh>. Okay. Years and years and years ago, I think I've shared with you all that I used to write a syndicated car column. And when GM was introducing the avalanche and the trailblazer, they flew a bunch of us up to Washington or Oregon, somewhere in the Pacific Northwest to a logging camp. And there were all these demonstrations and there are these two giant dudes who took a V eight engine and made a chainsaw out of it.
Tony Barthel
And I asked them, I'm like, what inspires you to do something like that? And they said the neighbor quit using their car and the winters are very long <laugh>. So Carl and rebuilding his engine made me think of that. <laugh>. <laugh> made me think maybe Carl, you could put a chainsaw blade on the end of it. And there you go.
Peggy Barthel
A lot of people do repairs and maintenance and upgrades planning for next year. And Jeff just says he stares out the window and waits for spring <laugh>
Tony Barthel
Peggy Barthel
So thank you for your answers. Oh, I do remember Marilyn said something about snowshoeing. I think she said she doesn't do it anymore, but I guess you know, if you have to be in a place where it's snowy and you can stand being outside in the snow, there are snow activities. Yeah. You're not gonna find me looking into them, but <laugh>,
Tony Barthel
Peggy Barthel
The activity I do when it snows is sit inside and look at how pretty it is. Yeah,
Tony Barthel
It actually snowed here in, it did Albuquerque last week. Yeah, over Thanksgiving. And it was actually pretty good snow too. It's still some left.
Peggy Barthel
There's still a little bits left in the shadows. So this week, speaking of sitting inside and looking at the outside cold <laugh>, I wanted to know what is your favorite hot beverage to warm your insides when it's cold outside?
Tony Barthel
Oh yeah. And you can answer that or see the other answers people have left. At our fun and friendly Stressless campers Facebook group. It's also linked on our website, stressless camping.com and take you right to that Facebook group.
Peggy Barthel
Also, we wanna remind you that we do have a once a week newsletter. It's absolutely positively and absolutely free. And all you have to do is go on the website and sign up for the newsletter. We use that to send you news once a week. We send you links and videos and podcasts and things that we think will help you get the most out of your RV adventure. But what we don't do is share that list. And to be honest, we've had a couple of requests this past week. Yeah. And they just go right in the trash.
Tony Barthel
Yes they do. So don't ask 'cause we won't. You'll also find the show notes for this episode, episode 2 31 on the podcastPage@stresslesscamping.com.
Peggy Barthel
And of course one more time to remind you the deals and discounts page is where you're gonna find these things we've been talking about and other things. A lot of them, the manufacturers or the representatives or the dealers have offered us discounts for you. And so check out that page
Tony Barthel
And of course we are in all the social places. Again, you can start@stressescamping.com. Under the hamburger menu you'll find all the places where we are social. 'cause it's probably all the places you are too <laugh>. So find us and follow us and all of that.
Peggy Barthel
And if you don't wanna miss a future episode of the Stressless Camping podcast, it's also free. Wow. You can subscribe on any podcast catcher and we are saving you a seat on our virtual campfire.
Tony Barthel
And don't forget a review. We'll help others find this podcast, which helps us grow the audience, which means more discounts and that sort of stuff. So that's what's in it for you. And we have a couple of people to thank this week. Yeah, dude. 7 4, 7 5
Peggy Barthel
And Ham five 80.
Tony Barthel
Thank you for your five star reviews on Apple Podcast. They truly do make a difference and we sincerely appreciate your taking your time. So thank
Peggy Barthel
You and you. Yes. And you can also share anything that you see on our website or on the socials, please share those with your friends, your family, your neighbors, your guy in the line behind you in the grocery store. Yeah. Well, whoever will listen, <laugh> <laugh>, let them know about Stressless camping.
Tony Barthel
Yeah. It's really appreciated. So we appreciate you. We thank you for being here once again this week. Oh, uh, another thing, we will be in court site again this year, so we need to start Yes.
Peggy Barthel
Tony Barthel
About that. But we will be back, uh, managing the workshops and seminars and we will also have a little gathering there. So something to put on your calendar for the last week of January, 2024. Ooh, that's weird to say. Yeah. But anyway, with that, we appreciate your being here. Thank you again and most of all,
Peggy Barthel
Stressless Camping. Stressless camping,
Tony Barthel
Mark Ferrell
We hope you learned a lot and had some fun and got some tips for your next Stressless Camping Adventure. We're honored by your reviews on Apple Podcasts, which helps others find us too. Don't forget to subscribe so you won't miss out on the adventure. And we look forward to your joining us next week. Until then, happy camping.