Ticks - avoiding, recovering and learning
Ticks! One camper’s story of being bitten by ticks, contracting Lyme disease and what his personal story of recovery looked like. Great information for any RVer on how to avoid ticks, what to do if you encounter one and even how one camper recovered from Lyme disease.
We also share about our new weight distribution hitch and why we like it better than what many people buy.
And we visit a museum that is thought to be second only to the Smithsonian - The Henry Ford. Absolutely an American treasure and must-see.
Other places to hear the podcast
Mentioned on this episode
Our guest Tom Vallee from RSauna shared links and discounts to his products:
Tony’s review of the RSauna on RVTravel - read review
RHealth Products website - visit Relax Saunas - use the coupon code STRESSLESS for $100 off your own sauna
RHealth Products lie-down sauna - lie-down sauna
Thomas’ website on Lyme disease Detox: LymeDiseaseDetox
Article on ticks in RVTravel: https://www.rvtravel.com/three-types-of-ticks-1041/
Advice on ticks in RVTravel: https://www.rvtravel.com/dealing-with-ticks-an-experts-advice/
CDC advice about Lyme disease: https://www.cdc.gov/lyme/index.html
CDC advice about ticks: https://www.cdc.gov/lyme/removal/index.html
Tony’s podcast episode with the curator of the Henry Ford - listen here
Peggy’s article on the Trading Place RV park
Discounts on the RV Sauna
Save $150 on any Sauna or SkyEye medical lamp with the coupon code Lyme150