Here we go again! StressLess Camping starts the next road trip
We didn’t have much to report for a couple weeks, but today we got back on the road for another road trip. We will be out this time for about six weeks, so there will be plenty of blog posts coming up!
Let’s back up a few days
We have been really busy getting packed up and ready for this trip, so although there have been some reportable activities, we have had neither the time nor the energy to report them.
We thought we had sold our washer and dryer last week. Here’s the story on that: When we moved into this house in September 2022, we needed a washer and dryer. The story is actually longer, but I don’t know if I can tell it and remain family-friendly, so lets’ skip to the part where we found a great set and it would be delivered. We explained exactly how much space we had available, because the laundry hookups are in the bathroom in our house. “No worries,” the salesman says. “This will totally fit.”
The washer and dryer that almost fit in our home bathroom
They didn’t totally fit. I mean, they fit side by side just fine. The problem is they stick out about an inch too far, and the bathroom door won’t close. So, we removed the door and have had a curtain for a bathroom door for nearly two years. Good thing we are RVers and accustomed to - well - close quarters.
All that is to say that we listed the washer and dryer set for sale, and when it sells we plan to replace it with an all-in-one combo. Now, don’t worry, all you long-time RVers who have dealt with terribly washer-dryer combos. Tony assures me this new ground-breaking technology will be a vast improvement on what the world (or at least the US) is familiar with.
Anyway, I thought someone was coming to pick up the washer and dryer last Thursday. Or Friday. Or he would ghost me altogether. Whatever. The point is, we decided we better get all the laundry done while we could. So, unlike most trip preparation when I wait until the last day to catch it all up, every thing was clean by Friday morning. Good news is, the last couple days were not nearly as rushed, or as exhausting.
Also, Monday (yesterday as I write this) we had a podcast guest interview scheduled and since we knew we would be on the road for the next couple days, we really wanted to get as finished as we could get with the editing, on Monday afternoon. Knowing that I wouldn’t have that time for packing, I worked on packing over the weekend. It’s unheard of for me to be that organized!
Checklists make for StressLess Camping
Where would we be without checklists? Probably driving around right now looking for a WalMart to replace the stuff we forgot to pack…
Check out our checklist blog using this link.
We have a checklist that we keep updated, and change the trip name each time. It lists all the things we have, or may have, taken into the house during our at-home time. It lists what batteries to charge, what food to prep, what laundry to return to the trailer, and other such important items we might forget about. It lists tasks we need to do before leaving the house, like turning down the heat on the water heater and hot tub.
Does that list include coffee cups? It does not. I don’t recall ever forgetting my coffee.
The point is, instead of waiting until Monday and packing everything - and being completely exhausted at the end of the day, we picked away at the packing all weekend long. And by golly, after 10 long hours (mostly driving and eating steak) we have not yet thought of anything we forgot. Yay us!
Well, it’s clean but…
On Sunday Tony took the truck to get it washed before we put the Flated truck topper and filled the bed. It looks so pretty and shiny! This morning I couldn’t get the second back-up camera to connect to the monitor. We didn’t really need it so we didn’t think too much about it. When we stopped for gas, I remembered to see if I could figure out the problem. Boy, did I! The camera is missing!
I looked up the number for the car wash and left a voicemail. Our friend Patrick also volunteered to go ask about it. He says he needed to wash his truck anyway. He was not successful. However, not long after he returned home the car wash called me and helped me identify the camera. They had actually found it, but the person Patrick asked didn’t know it was a camera! Bryan picked it up and they sent a photo. It’s scratched up and we won’t be able to test it until we get home, but at least it was found!
Speaking of the truck topper
We did put the Flated truck topper on for this trip. We had a list of things we wanted to bring, and didn’t want to get wet if we do run into any rain during this trip. So after the truck was clean we inflated the Flated and strapped it onto the truck bed and filled ‘er up.
Back on the road
So, today we started our trip east. Somehow, I woke up just after 6:00 so I had a little bit of wake-up time before I had to get dressed and finish the last-minute packing. We got to the road before 9:23, which was close to our planned 9:00 take off time!
The trip was fairly uneventful. We only had one gas stop. We snacked on beef sticks and cheese snacks so we would be hungry for our early dinner. Do you want to know why we planned an early dinner? Well, it’s because we arrived in Amarillo around 4:00 and every time we pass through Amarillo, we must stop at the Big Texan Steak Ranch!
First day on the road
Last week I had made up a batch of egg bites and froze them for quick easy breakfasts. Yesterday I air-fried the last of the bacon in the package. This morning we just had to reheat everything and not dirty too many dishes or take too much time with meal prep. I made a container with four egg bites for Wednesday as well, but we are out of bacon. Darn it!
We typically stop in Amarillo at the Big Texan Steak Ranch not only for steak dinner, but because it’s 300 miles from home so it’s a first-night or last-night stop when we travel on Interstate 40. We always hope to see someone eat the 72-ounce steak dinner - complete with salad, shrimp cocktail, baked potato, and a roll. If they eat all that within one hour, they get the meal for free. Otherwise, it’s $72!
There was a young man who sat down to give it a try. We didn’t stay until he was finished, but I learned there is a YouTube live feed so later I watched it so see that he kept eating right up until the last minute, but did not finish.
We talked today about the fact that we’ve not seen any of Amarillo except the Big Texan and nearby campgrounds. Next time through we plan to stay at least one full day so we can explore the town.
First camp of the trip
I had called last week and asked the steak ranch if we could overnight in the parking lot. She said the trucks do it, so we could do it as well. That was our plan, but when we arrived the parking to was pretty full also, it was nearly 90 degrees! Eep! We chickened out and decided to find a campground instead.
Last year we found this campground through Passport America. It’s called AOK Campground and it’s a few miles east of Amarillo. It’s no resort, there is no bath house, the laundry room has been converted to manager residence, and it’s kind of close to the freeway. An estimated two-thirds of the RVs here are not likely to leave of their own accord.
However, it’s safe, and clean, and the lawn is mowed. And it’s so affordable! Their normal rate is $34; and as Passport America members we paid half price. It’s hard to beat full hookups for $17! We’ve never seen anyone in the office. We’ve never even seen the office door unlocked. There is a self-checkin slot where you can put cash or check in an envelope, so that’s just what we did.
When we got to camp, Tony started to hook up the water and power. However, he could not get the passthrough door open. The tote just inside the door had shifted and blocked the cam lock. This had happened in December, on the other side of the camper. So we knew the fix was to get in there and move the tote. I pulled a few things out of my way and in I went! My thinker started burning figuring out how to block the tote from shifting that close to the door again.
Pool noodles
The other day I picked up a pool noodle to use as a rolling tube for our logo banners. I cut part of the noodle off (that is super easy, by the way!) and then messed up trying to cut a piece for the microwave. So, I had a couple pieces about eight inches long. I stuffed one section into each end of the passthrough, to hold the totes away from the door. As long as they don’t pop up, they should be a great solution.
Is there anything a pool noodle can’t do?
A late birthday cake
Tony has been craving cake ever since his birthday. He planned all day long to buy cake when we were at The Big Texan. Sadly, his favorite - yellow cake with chocolate frosting - is not offered but we bought a big ol’ slice of carrot cake to share - for two or three meals maybe; this sucker is HUGE!
To be continued
Tomorrow we have another long drive. Then Thursday a fairly long drive to make it to our first actual destination for the trip - Camp Carpe Diem in Hot Springs Arkansas! I’d better get this posted and get ready for bed so we can get an early start tomorrow.