Fire Safety: Meet BOB, the Bug Out Bucket
The bug out bucket can help save your life while RVing
There are a lot of individuals who make the RV life a better experience but none like BOB. You see, BOB isn’t a someone, BOB is a someTHING. BOB is actually an acronym for Bug Out Bucket and BOB should be a constant traveling companion on everybody’s RV journey.
BOB isn’t our idea but came to us through Todd Mullane, Fire Chief (ret.) from the United States Air Force. Todd speaks at a lot of RV events through our friends at ProTeng, which is literally one of the most incredible fire prevention and RV safety inventions that we’ve ever seen. Period.
The idea of BOB is that it’s a bucket or container that you have immediate access to should fire break out in your RV. The contents of BOB are critical things you would want after a fire.
RV fires are a unique thing because RVs have to be designed to be light weight. This means that many of the items in an RV do not do well in fire whatsoever so, once a fire starts in an RV, you literally only have seconds before the vehicle is completely engulfed in flame and is a total loss.
There are approximately 4,000 RV fires a year and while many of them start in the engine compartment of motorized RVs, refrigerators and many other appliances contribute as well. As Todd Mullane said in our podcast interview, you only have seconds to get out if there’s a fire.
So if you are the survivor of an RV fire you’re going to find yourself with not much left unless you have BOB and have taken BOB out of the RV with you. BOB is all the things you’ll need to start getting to a familiar place once again. Whether you’re full- or part-time these items can help you in the moments after the fire and to get things back to normal thereafter.
Here are the contents of BOB:
A USB drive with all your important documents including
Copy of your passport
Copy of your driver’s license
Copy of prescriptions for all occupants including pets
Copies of bills or other proof of residence
Copy of your birth certificate
Hand towels/wet wipes
Pocket knife/multi tool
Old/retired or burner cell phone
Hand warmers
Duct tape
First aid kit
Feminine products
MYID information (
Pet Meds
Pet food
Prepaid debit card with $100 at least
Chemiluminescence/glow sticks
MRE/C-rats/H20 pouches
Zip Ties
Fire extinguisher
Spare clothing
Spare eyewear
Spare vehicle keys
Medications in original bottles
Personal care kits (male/female)
LED flashlights
Batteries in a Ziploc bag
We also have another article on lists: Check Lists Make for StressLess Camping.